This UIM project started six years ago and has now evolved into the comprehensive training syllabus you see today. The result is professional training for future generations of powerboat racing competitors and officials. Similar to the UIM, the PBANI has the establishment of the YDP down as one of its highest priorities, our goal is to establish a nation-wide network of YDP training centres to ensure the success and growth of our sport.
The UIM Propstars training programme teaches competitors and officials of all ages the secrets of safe, responsible and environmentally friendly racing.
For the YDP to succeed we need you to support this extremely important programme by encouraging local volunteers to take on the role of a UIM Propstars Ambassador. He/she will be prepared for this role by an expert UIM instructor as well as having the backup of qualified Powerboat Instructors. The aim is to build a firm foundation with the YDP where our sport can flourish and grow. together we achieve this, so let’s build a bright future together.
“I want to ensure that the UIM will continue to grow and one of the best ways of achieving this is to build a firm foundation of YDP training centres, I believe that we can do this and together we can build a bright future for our sport."
Dr Raffaele Chiuilli
President - UIM